Thank you for purchasing an HRRview Online Practice Exam.
Each Online Practice Exam contains 125 questions randomly selected from HRReview's data base of more than 800 exam questions. This is how the actual aPHR™, PHR®, SPHR®, and GPHR® exam questions are chosen.
After answering each question you receive a detailed explanation of the correct answer. Taking multiple online Practice Exams exposes you to more content, which helps you discover weak areas on which to focus as you study for the actual exam.
The exam will remain in your account on the HRReview website until you finish it. You may answer a few questions at a time, or take it all at once for time so you can pace yourself for the actual exam.
The questions, answers, and explanations in the HRReview online practice tests are copyright protected and may not, in whole or in part, be printed, copied, shared, or reproduced by any means for any reason without prior written consent of HRReview. Your purchase of HRReview Online Exams indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to these terms.